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Why anal sex hurts – discover the reasons!

Anal sex can be very pleasurable if done properly or can be a nightmare if precautions are not taken to avoid problems such as severe pain. This type of pain that can occur both during and after penetration is known as anodyspareunia.

What is anodyspareunia?

Mounting evidence suggests anal intercourse among both heterosexual and homosexual persons is an increasingly prevalent form of sexual expression, yet associated problems presenting to psychosexual services are a relative rarity. What constitutes ‘normal’ sexual satiety within the realms of anal sexuality remains an enigma to many, both therapists and clients alike. The term anodyspareunia has been proposed to denote a novel sexual dysfunction comprising the perception of pain during receptive anal sex; this has been evaluated in men who have sex with men (MSM) and likened to female dyspareunia. This paper reviews some of the common aspects of anal sexuality and explores the evidence surrounding the conceptualization of anoreceptive pain as a sexual dysfunction in detail, arguing against the use of heterosexually derived frameworks when working with gay men. Alternative ways of approaching anoreceptive pain are discussed. The lack of good quality evidence on the etiology and sequel of pain during anoreceptive intercourse in persons of any gender or sexual orientation is clear and the call for further research is imperative.

It is very common for both women and men to experience pain in relationships and the reasons can be diverse, since from lack of lubrication to poor posture or some health problems will cause us not to enjoy this sexual encounter. If it’s ever happened to you and you’re wondering: Why does anal sex hurt?

There are several types of anodyspareunia depending on when the pain occurs:

Surface or intrusion pain: This is experienced when the penis tries to enter the rectum. So it is a pain that occurs in the outer most external part, that is in the anus.
Pain by presence: occurs during penetration, when the penis has already been inserted.

As we have already pointed out, the reasons why this discomfort can be caused during such relationships can be very diverse. But the important thing is that we go to a specialist to review us and can diagnose the source of this pain, especially if it persists or is very intense.

Causes of pain in relationships:

Pain experienced during relationships can occur for a variety of reasons, whether physical or mental. Thus, it is very important to know the most common ones to prevent them either to know what to do or when to go to the specialist. Here are the main causes:

Lack of lubrication
The anus has no natural lubrication to be penetrated easily and painlessly, therefore it is essential to use a lubricant suitable for this type of relationship. In addition, it is advisable to use a condom with lubricant, since this also prevents possible transmissions of sexual diseases.

Due to the lack of lubrication it is also more difficult to dilate, therefore, if we do not stimulate the anus well before penetrating, there is probably a pain of intrusion or superficial. If this happens and penetration is somewhat forced because it has not lubricated well previously, it is likely that cracks and tears will occur which result in severe pain. So, you’d better lubricate and dilate well before penetrating to avoid these kinds of problems and enjoy sex.

Aggressive penetrations
Another reason this type of sex hurts is aggressive penetrations or hard sex. There are those who enjoy harsher or more extreme practices, but you need to know that such relationships can cause pain for both people and cause everything from irritation and discomfort to severe pain, tears and even bleeding.

Inadequate postures
There are some postures that are unsuitable for this type of penetration and can therefore cause significant discomfort. So, if this happens to you, know the best sexual postures for anal sex, such as mold or dragonfly.

Health problems
There are many health problems and conditions that will cause this sexual activity to hurt. Some of the most common problems that prevent us from having a good time in these cases are lichen sclerosus, irritations, hemorrhoids, fissures, wounds and tears, bacterial infections and even STDs. Therefore, if you have these sexual encounters, you may experience any of these conditions.

Emotional factors
It is difficult to enjoy encounters with our partner if we are not mentally prepared or calm. So, if we are very tense, we are afraid or nervous the anal penetration will be complicated and painful since we will be contracting the muscles preventing adequate dilation for the act. Therefore, before we have this kind of relationship we must be sure that we want to do so in order to enjoy it.

After knowing the causes of anodyspareunia, in Unique Sensual we recommend you these products to enjoy the anal sex

When to see your doctor
It is very important that if during meetings with our partner we feel pain at any time or if it is very intense or lasting, we go to a specialist doctor to review us and help to know what may be the reason for this.

Remember that the aforementioned causes are only the most common in these cases, but that there may actually be more conditions that result in this discomfort, so only the doctor will be able to know for sure what happens. Thus, we can deal with whatever health problem it is or take whatever precautions are necessary so that it does not happen again.

Laura Vera

Laura Vera

Master in Sexology from Institute of Sexology in Granada, Spain. I like to learn everything related with sex and erotism. The best way to learn about a topic is to try to explain it.
Laura is Sex & Relationship Therapist and


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