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How to Increase Testosterone Naturally in 9 steps 2022

A hormone that not only plays an important role in the sexual field, but also influences factors such as the gain of muscle mass.

When we hear about testosterone, we automatically associate the word with the same concept: sex. And while it certainly has a lot to do with it, this hormone actually influences other aspects of health, not just sexual function.

Which? How to maintain optimal testosterone levels?

To answer these questions, we spoke with Laura Vera Sexologist

“Maintaining adequate testosterone levels can have great benefits, especially as we turn 30, because by the age of 30, they progressively decrease. This can lead to physical changes, such as increased body fat or reduced muscle mass. It can also influence emotional aspects, for example, decreasing motivation. It is also capable of affecting sexual desire or fertility.”

It is possible to increase your testosterone naturally. There are very simple gestures that can help you maintain optimal levels. These go through sleeping well, doing a specific type of training or even taking supplements. Here are a few ways to achieve this…


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Maca for him
That’s why it’s important to make sure your testosterone levels are right. And nothing better than increasing them naturally.


The Natural Booster Formulated Exclusively for Him

Is it a Testosterone Booster?

Thanks to the action of its natural assets such as Zinc, Fenugreek, Tribulus Terrestris and Vitamin D, it contributes to optimal levels of testosterone, key to male health.

Does it work only for testosterone?

No, it is a multifaceted supplement that helps in addition to sports performance thanks to Maca, Rhodiola and Magnesium, to the benefits and masculine vigor also at an intimate level.

Absolutely YES. Viboost Tribulus+Maca is NOT a medicine, does NOT contain chemical ingredients and does NOT contain synthetic testosterone. It is a product based on 100% natural ingredients such as ultra-concentrated plant extracts, vitamins and minerals whose study has shown that they have a positive effect on testosterone and male performance.
Of course! Like all our products, Viboost Tribulus+Maca is registered with AESAN (Spanish Agency for Food Safety and Nutrition), the regulatory body for food supplements in Spain, belonging to the Ministry of Health, as well as in all health agencies in the countries where our products are marketed).

Viboost Tribulus+Maca, although made from plants and minerals, may be contraindicated for some people:

– In case of kidney problems or peptic
ulcer – In case of hypertension, tachycardia or other heart conditions
– In case of insomnia
– In case of antidiabetic or antihypertensive treatment
– In case of hypersensitivity to any of the ingredients
– In case of medical pathologies or taking medication consult before with a health
professional – It is not a product suitable for children or adolescents

* Do not exceed the expressly recommended daily dose.
What Science Says
Maca, Tribulus Terrestris and Fenugreek: 3 natural active ingredients whose synergy complements and enhances the action of others
  • 1
    Testosterone is involved in a large number of body functions: physical performance, sex life, and emotional well-being. Keeping it at optimal levels is key to men’s health. Viboost Tribulus+Maca incorporates in its formula only ingredients that have clinically proven their effectiveness for times when support is needed.
  • 2
    Tribulus Terrestris: thanks to its content in steroid saponins it is considered capable of stimulating the release of testosterone. In fact, it is one of the most appreciated plants and used by many athletes, since it favors physical resistance, as has been concluded in a study (1) carried out by the Medical University of Plovdiv and the Medical University of Sofia (Bulgaria).
  • 3
    Andean Maca: it is one of the most famous stimulants. Its effect on desire and libido have been the subject of multiple studies. In a clinical trial (2) conducted by the Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia de Lima (Peru) in which dry extract of Andean Maca has been supplied to men between 21 and 56 years old for 12 weeks, it has been concluded that this tuber has a positive effect on male libido.
  • 4
    Fenugreek: it is a plant with several studies on its benefits for men. In a study (3) of 8 weeks conducted by the University of Mary Hardin-Baylor in Texas (USA) 30 men have undergone 4 sessions of weightlifting per week. Half of the subjects had been given 500 mg of fenugreek extract and the other half placebo. By the end of the study, the group that had taken Fenugreek had experienced an increase in testosterone and a 2% reduction in body fat.

What is Maca and what is it for?

Maca or Andean maca (Lepidium meyenii) is a tuber native to the Andes whose shape resembles that of radish. Maca root has invigorating properties, as it favors increased libido and sexual desire. In addition, maca is one of the most used energy tonics for its benefits for physical and mental performance.

The optimal testosterone values in men are between 10 and 30 nmol/L, while in women they range from 0.6 to 2.5 nmol/L.

9 Natural Ways to Boost Your Testosterone Levels

9. Sleep a minimum of eight hours a day

Restful sleep has been shown to contribute to improving muscle mass, but it can also help maintain adequate testosterone. It is estimated that, for every hour of sleep, testosterone levels increase by approximately 15%.

8. Eat a healthy diet

What we eat directly affects our physical health and our emotional state. A balanced diet is also key to maintaining testosterone. If you want to increase it, try to take enough protein and not leave aside carbohydrates, since both have been proven to help optimize the levels of this hormone. Also fats (good as EVOO, avocado) are very important, since they influence the good HDL cholesterol that helps synthesize testosterone.

7. Decrease your stress levels

Stress raises levels of the hormone cortisol, which can directly influence the reduction of testosterone levels: cortisol and testosterone are two antagonistic hormones, if one goes up the other goes down and vice versa. We know it’s harder said than done, but try to avoid over-stressing. Activities such as reading, meditation or breathing exercises can be of great help.

6. Include strength training in your routines

Practicing multi-joint exercises focused on strength allows you to maximize testosterone levels. Include in your sports routine exercises such as, for example, the bench press, the deadlift or the pull-ups.

5. Maintain a healthy lifestyle

You probably won’t be surprised, but we still find it important to emphasize it: excessive consumption of alcohol, nicotine and refined sugars affects testosterone levels negatively.

4. Have sex regularly

We know this is also easier said than done, but since regular sexual activity has been associated with a slight increase in testosterone levels, this option is worth considering, don’t you think?

3. Supplements that help testosterone

When we talk about supplements to increase testosterone, we are not referring to medications, but to natural products. Did you know that some minerals, vitamins and plants such as fenugreek, maca, tribulus terrestris or ginger can help maintain and increase testosterone?

2. Soak up the sun or include a vitamin D supplement

Different studies have confirmed that vitamin D is key to overall well-being, but now there is also evidence that it could work as a testosterone enhancer. You probably know that the easiest way to get it is by sunbathing, but sometimes for different reasons such as the time of year or because each person synthesizes it in a different way there could be deficiencies of it. In these cases you can opt for a vitamin D supplement.

1. Include enough zinc in your diet

“Zinc is essential for the production of testosterone and the maintenance of normal testosterone levels,” says expert Francesco Iavarone. So include in your diet nutrients rich in zinc such as liver, nuts and clams.

Laura Vera

Laura Vera

Master in Sexology from Institute of Sexology in Granada, Spain. I like to learn everything related with sex and erotism. The best way to learn about a topic is to try to explain it.
Laura is Sex & Relationship Therapist and


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