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LUNA Beads Noir offer the same irresistible pleasures as the Worlds bestselling Ben Wa balls in a sleek and seductive package. Worn discreetly inside, they respond to your movements with pleasurable vibrations, making them perfect for foreplay or as your own little secret on a night with your partner. They also serve to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles in the long term, improving tightness and circulation for the most intense pleasures to come.


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chinese balls

LUNA Beads Noir offer the same irresistible pleasures as the Worlds bestselling Ben Wa balls in a sleek and seductive package. Worn discreetly inside, they respond to your movements with pleasurable vibrations, making them perfect for foreplay or as your own little secret on a night with your partner. They also serve to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles in the long term, improving tightness and circulation for the most intense pleasures to come.

Product Information

  • Length: 3 Inches
  • Washing: Hot soapy water and toy cleaner
  • Insertable: 1 to 5 inches
  • Diameter: 1 Inch
  • Circumference: 3.75 Inches
  • Colour: Black
  • Flexibility: Bendable
  • Material: Plastic
  • Brand: Lelo
  • Him or Her: Female

Kegel balls, better known as Ben Wa balls, have been used for centuries to strengthen the pelvic floor by contracting and releasing different muscles.

  1. Wash your hands thoroughly with antibacterial soap.
  2. Wash your Kegel balls with warm water and antibacterial soap, then dry them with a clean towel.
  3. Rub a generous amount of water-based lube on the balls so they’re easy to insert.
How to insert Kegel balls

Make sure you apply a liberal amount of lube to your vaginal opening before you get into position. This will help prevent discomfort as you guide in the Kegel balls.

After applying lube:

  1. Lie down in a comfortable position (spread eagle is often best).
  2. Slowly and steadily insert the first ball.
  3. Kegel balls are usually connected to each other by a small piece of string or plastic, so slip that inside your vagina as well.
  4. Once the string is tucked in, gently start to insert the second ball into your vagina.
  5. Push the balls into your vagina as far as you’re comfortable with. If the balls have a removal string or loop, it should hang outside of your vagina, so make sure it’s not accidentally tucked in with the rest of the balls.
  6. Tighten your pelvic floor muscles to hold your Kegel balls inside of you, and go about your day.

The balls should feel secure inside your vaginal canal. If you feel like they’re about to fall out, or the first ball is visible outside of your vaginal opening, gently push them deeper into your vagina.

How you feel with the balls inside varies from person to person, but it’s generally a subtle, tingly sensation. This feeling usually intensifies with movement, like walking, bending down, or reaching up.

PRO TIPOnce you’re comfortable with connected Kegel balls, you might invest in a set of individual Kegel balls (sans string).

Although the insertion method is the same, never push individual Kegel balls farther back than you can comfortably push or pull out.

How to use Kegel balls for pelvic exercise or sexual stimulation

What you do after you insert your Kegel balls depends on why you’re using them.

If you want to strengthen your pelvic floor, targeted exercises will help you identify and strengthen your muscles.

If you want to experiment, you’ll focus less on exercise and more on individual sexploration.

For pelvic exercise only

Once you’re comfortable with traditional Kegels or other pelvic floor exercises, consider weighted Kegel balls. They can enhance your workout by adding an extra challenge.

If you want to add Kegel balls to your routine:

  1. Lie on your back and insert the balls. Make sure you apply lube.
  2. Tighten your pelvic floor muscles to lift and squeeze the balls.
  3. Hold the contraction for 5 seconds, then relax for another 5 seconds.
  4. Repeat this step 5 times in a row to complete 1 set.

You can perform up to 3 sets per day.

For solo sexual pleasure

Kegel balls typically aren’t used in the same way as traditional sex toys.

Although moving them in and out of your vagina is definitely an option, you may find that it’s more intense to leave them inside.

They’ll enhance the sensation of whatever you’re doing, whether that’s rubbing your clitoris or exploring your erogenous zones.

Need some ideas? Here are two ways you can incorporate Kegel balls to intensify solo play:

  • While lying in bed, put your Kegel balls inside your vagina, then start to squeeze your pelvic muscles. As you become more aroused and self-lubricated, begin to explore your body.
  • Insert your Kegel balls, and then grab your favorite vibrator. As you squeeze, rub your vibrator on your clitoris and around your vaginal opening.

For partner play

If you want to increase your sensitivity during vaginal sex, Kegel balls can help you and your partner heat things up.

You can insert them before you head out on your date  or make insertion the first part of an intense round of play. The longer the balls are in, the more aroused you’ll be.

Just make sure to pull the balls out before your partner — or another toy — slides in your vagina.

Kegel balls can also make anal sex more pleasurable. Anal penetration can push the balls against your G-spot, sending intense sensations throughout your body.

Although it may be tempting, never insert Kegel balls into your anus. They’re not made for this purpose and could cause discomfort. They’re also more likely to get stuck in this location.

Beads specifically made for anal play are available, though. You should be able to find these at a sex shop or via online retailers.

How to remove Kegel balls

You can leave Kegel balls in for up to 6 hours, depending on the balls used and your individual body chemistry. A healthcare professional can tell you more about best practices for you and your body.

If your Kegel balls have a removal string or loop:

  1. Lie down in a comfortable position.
  2. Add more lube to your vaginal opening.
  3. Slowly pull on the removal string until the Kegel balls slide out.

If the balls are separated:

  1. Stand with your feet slightly wider than hip distance apart.
  2. Slightly bend your knees until you’re in a comfortable squat.
  3. Squeeze your vaginal muscles to push them out, much like with another sex toy or even a tampon.

If the balls don’t come out immediately, try to remain calm. You may be able to coax them out by adding more lube. You can also cough, move around, or even jump up and down to help your muscles contract and release.

How to clean and store Kegel balls

Keeping your Kegels balls clean is crucial. If they’re not cleaned and stored correctly, they can introduce bacteria into your vagina that could lead to infection.

After you remove your Kegel balls:

  1. Run them under warm water.
  2. Thoroughly clean them with antibacterial hand soap.
  3. Rinse them in warm, soapy water, then run them under water to wash off excess residue.
  4. Pat them dry with a clean towel. You may want to let them air dry for an hour or two to ensure they’re completely dry before putting them away.
  5. Once they’re dry, store them in a case of their own.
Potential risks to consider before using Kegel balls

As with any exercise, Kegel balls come with a few risks, including:

  • overexertion
  • tearing
  • pain or discomfort

The easiest way to minimize risk is to use the correct size, weight, and technique.

Although reading the product’s packaging is a great place to start, also check in with a healthcare professional. They can offer advice tailored specifically to your needs.

Also check in with a healthcare professional before use if you:

  • are pregnant or recovering from childbirth
  • have existing pelvic pain or an active pelvic infection
  • are recovering from gynecological surgery
  • have an intrauterine device

Don’t keep your Kegel balls in for more than 4 to 6 hours at a time. Any longer, and you may begin to overexert your pelvic floor muscles.

You should only squeeze for about 5 seconds at a time, with breaks of at least 5 seconds between. Squeezing for too long or without a break could overexert your vaginal muscles and cause a temporary strain.

Also clean your Kegel balls before and after every use. Unsterile Kegel balls can result in infection.

Discontinue use and consult a healthcare professional if you begin to experience:

  • severe pain or discomfort
  • unusual discharge
  • unusual odor
How to select the right Kegel balls for you

If you’re new to Kegel balls, start with a lightweight plastic or silicone set. Make sure the balls are attached and have a removal string.

Although some sets contain three or more, two is the standard. Always start with two and increase or decrease the number as you become more familiar with the practice.

Once you’re comfortable, you can take things to the next level by swapping:

  • larger balls for smaller balls
  • lighter materials, like plastic or silicone, for something heavier, like metal or glass
  • connected sets for individual balls

To start, try changing one element, like size. You can continue to add new elements as you progress in your practice.


Lelo Luna Beads Noir

LUNA Beads Noir offrent les mêmes plaisirs irrésistibles que les mondes best-sellers boules Ben Wa dans un boîtier élégant et séduisant. Porté discrètement à l’intérieur, ils répondent à vos mouvements avec des vibrations agréables, ce qui les rend parfaits pour les préliminaires ou votre propre petit secret sur une nuit avec votre partenaire. Ils servent aussi à renforcer vos muscles du plancher pelvien dans le long terme, l’amélioration de l’étanchéité et de la circulation pour les plaisirs les plus intenses à venir.


Lelo Luna Beads Noir

LUNA Beads Noir bieten die gleichen unwiderstehlichen Vergnügen wie die Welten Ben Wa Kugeln in einem schlanken und verlockenden Verpackung Bestseller. diskret innen getragen, sie reagieren mit angenehmen Vibrationen auf Ihre Bewegungen, so dass sie perfekt für Vorspiels oder als Ihr eigenes kleines Geheimnis in einer Nacht mit Ihrem Partner. Sie dienen auch Ihre Beckenbodenmuskeln auf lange Sicht zu stärken, Dichtigkeit und Verbesserung der Durchblutung für die intensivste Vergnügen kommen.


Lelo Luna Beads Noir

LUNA Pärlor Noir erbjuda samma oemotståndliga nöjen som världens bästsäljande Ben Wa bollar i en elegant och förförisk förpackning. Slitna diskret inne, de svarar på dina rörelser med njutbara vibrationer, vilket gör dem perfekta för förspel eller som din egen lilla hemlighet på en natt med din partner. De tjänar också till att stärka bäckenbottenmuskulaturen på lång sikt, förbättra täthet och cirkulation för de mest intensiva njutningar framöver.


Lelo Luna Beads Noir

LUNA Beads Noir oferują takie same nieodparte przyjemności, jak Worlds bestsellerowe kule Ben Wa w eleganckim i uwodzicielskim opakowaniu. Noszone dyskretnie wewnątrz, reagują na twoje ruchy przyjemnymi wibracjami, dzięki czemu idealnie nadają się do gry wstępnej lub jako swój mały sekret w noc ze swoim partnerem. Służą one także do wzmocnienia mięśni dna miednicy w dłuższej perspektywie, poprawiając ucisk i krążenie na najbardziej intensywne przyjemności, które nadejdą.

Lelo Luna Beads Noir

LUNA Beads Noir oferă aceleași plăceri irezistibile ca și cele mai bine vandute baloane Ben Wa într-un pachet elegant și seducător. Purtate discret în interior, ele răspund la mișcările voastre cu vibrații plăcute, făcându-le perfecte pentru preludiu sau ca propriul tău mic secret într-o noapte cu partenerul tău. Acestea servesc, de asemenea, pentru a vă întări mușchii pelvieni pe termen lung, îmbunătățind stransa circulatie si pentru cele mai intense placeri.


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