Berta es una mujer de treinta y tantos de una ciudad pequeña de Catalunya, Vic, ahí transcurre el principio de la historia, pero sus vivencias, sus problemas y sus escenas sexuales irán desde Pamplona hasta Barcelona.Amistades, envidia, sexo, trabajo, viajes, un libro lleno de aventuras, miedos y cambios constantes.Dos finales, acaba como quieras que acabe, sólo has de leer la historia y escoge el final.
Laura Vera’s books have received a good opinion about her book from her friends and not friends
Laura lives in England in the countryside with her amazing dog Lluna Spanish rescue dog.
Before she started writing adventure comedy and romance, Laura got a graduate degree in Tourism, BA and Master of Sexology. After that, just to shake things up, she went to OUC and started studying Criminology as a hobby, she wanted to know more about Criminal mind works. Then she did a handful of clerkships with some really important people who are way too dignified to be named here. She is doing Sex Therapist and Social Media Management for her 2 companies Vesoa Digital Marketing and Unique Sensual. And in her free time is writing her new book.
If you want to know when Laura next book will come out, please visit her website at, where you can sign up to receive an email when she has her next release.